Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halooween 2008

Halloween week began with a visit to City Hall on the 28th. The City Hosts a trick-or-treating event during the day for little ones 5 and under. We were able to meet all the people who help run the city and even got candy from the mayor. It was a great event.

Halloween night was perfect. The weather was in the 60s and we sure enjoyed walking around our neighborhood. We couldn't get an individual picture of our cutest little bunny. She just kept running away. Nate and I walked around together for about 30 minutes but our bunny ran out of steam so we headed back home to give out candy. We had tons of trick-or-treaters and even ran out of candy.

Simeon enjoyed being batman and wore his costume on and off all week. Izzy was Miley Cyrus and Luke was his namesake Luke Skywalker. My favorite costume find was with Luke's top. After looking at Halloween stores and others and just not finding the right look, I was able to find a Karate top at the thiftstore for $3! It was perfect.

carving pumpkins

Carving pumpkins this year was great! I was a bit last minute in getting the pumpkins. I was hoping to have a time that we could all go and get pumpkins but our schedule just wasn't letting that happen. So Tuesday before halloween, the only night open for carving we raced to the store before dad got home from work. The first store we went to didn't have any left, I was panicking. Luckily we went the next store we went to had a few huge pumpkins left. I decided to only get two because there just wasn't any way we were going to be able to carve six in one evening. So a 10 minute trip turn into 45 minutes but we got our pumkins and had a fun night carving. Everyone help get the guts out of the middle and then we lost Luke to the Cavaliers game. So Izzy became the designer for both pumnkins and Dad was the carver. So they became the rock star pumkin and the first grader with a few lost teeth

izzy turns 7!

I can't believe it, Izzy is now 7 years old. We celebrated with a movie and pizza party. We turned our basement into a movie theatre, with tickets, popcorn, & candy. The kids watched a movie and then had pizza for dinner after. It was the easiest party ever!
Izzy loves having rice crispy cakes. This is the 4th year running of the crispy cake. We've done castles, mutli layer, however this year she just wanted candy pumkins on it. They are fun and easy and everyone eats the whole thing!


Fall has been a fun and busy season. Nate, Luke, and Izzy started school again. My coaching for my diving season began. We were busy with soccer, Nate coaching Luke's team. Sophie and Simeon and I started our visits to the zoo, Natural History museum and our Storytime at the Library. We have enjoyed some great fall weather, the best time of the year here in Cleveland.