Sunday, September 7, 2008

heart warming August

We have had a wonderful August! It all started with our vacation to Utah. Since Airplane tickets weren't getting any lower and our family keeps getting bigger we decided to make the drive as a family for the first time. I was expecting a bit of a nightmare however was pleasantly surprised to say the least. We didn't drive more than 10 hour days, started early each day took an hour break at lunch time and then finished around dinner time. It took us 3 days there and 2 and 1/2 days back. To be honest we had 3 DVD players going at once at some points of the drive. For the most part everyone stayed happy. I was worried about Sophie the most. During the first day she kept on saying to us, "all done?" I think she just got tired of waiting and would take long naps in the afternoon. When Simeon had enough he would just yell "I WANT TO GET OUT!" Luke and Izzy were pretty easy when they didn't fight over what movie to watch (hence the 3 DVD players everyone can watch their own movie and stay happy). Nate and I enjoyed reading The Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer while we were driving. (We got through the first three by the end of our trip and got back just in time to start the last book!)

Our lunch time stops were really quite fun. We packed tons of food for the trip so we didn't have to stop and eat fast food for 3 days. So we would find a rest stop and stay for an hour to enjoy the fresh air and some food. Mostly the kids just wanted to run around. All of the rest stops we visited were very nice and we got a little look at the state and community we were passing by.

1 comment:

Michal Thompson said...

Wish we could have been there! I will try not to read that post to carefully! We miss you. Ashlyn- out of no where- said "I miss Simeon."