Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Simeon, my crazy three year old said something funny that I just had to share. First I need to give a little background. One evening during dinner when Nate wasn't home I was being silly and teaching the kids the cheer , You got Spirit ? yeah yeah you got spirit? yeah yeah, you got a what a what a what a what a what, what what what what what what what You got Spirit! From my pep club days. So fast forward to last sunday during the primary program. Simeon was sitting with his dad while I am on the stand with the primary kids. He hears one of the children say spirit and he starts sayings, "a what, a what, a what, a what, what, what, what, what, what what, You got spirit!" Well, at least I know he was listening to some part of the program.


Michal Thompson said...

Oh that was so funny!!! Only simmy! I love you new picture, did Ryan take it? We miss you guys!

Jordana said...

Hey Camille, so good to hear from you! That family picture is so awesome! What a funny story, I can just imagine it! Aaww the primary program, I miss our fun primary days!!

Brandon and Carly said...

He is so stinkin' cute!!! I love it when they do stuff like that. Carter kept telling us that he was going on his mission to outer space. We thought it was an interesting choices of places to serve, and had no clue where he came up with it. Then, one day we were watching "Little Einsteins" on the Disney channel. They ride around in a rocket (sometimes through outer space), and their theme song goes "we're going on a mission, start the count down . . . ."

Kadi said...

What a cutie! You know, Joel does that same cheer all the time! You guys should do it together this Thanksgiving. I love your new family picture. What a handsome family! We miss you!!

Steve and Liz Evans said...

I love it! Don't you just love what comes out sometimes? Hilarious! So I have a random question.. My mom wants to know the colors of your house. I think she's thinking ahead to Christmas.